Business TECH

Practical Growth Hacks to Increase Your Online Store’s Engagement & Sales

To boost sales and revenue, you must expand your online store and attract more visitors, right? There is quite a lot of competition in the market, so you need to set yourself up differently to attract more customers and earn more money.

But you could ask yourself: How can I stand out in the sea of millions of online shops? Fortunately, there are a few things you can do that will assist your company stand out from the crowd and fortify your online presence.

To do this, you must create a marketing plan that will let you accomplish your goals. So, in this piece, we’ll discuss effective growth hacking strategies that can help you take your e-commerce firm to the next level of achievement with PayPal gateway.

The development of your e-commerce company is crucial for both the long-term survival of your company and the generation of revenues and the expansion of your company into new areas.

Prepare and make contacts for guest posts.

A fantastic approach to improve website traffic and online purchases is through guest blogging. You may reach a new audience and improve your internet presence while generating more leads and revenue by publishing frequent guest articles on popular websites. You can use these suggestions to ensure that your email stands out and captures the attention of blog writers. Writing a strong outreach email is crucial if you want to secure guest articles on popular blogs. The ideal approach to composing a request mail for a guest post is to be sincere, thorough, and brief.

With creative marketing, you may make your customers aware of your efforts.

When you go above and beyond to provide customers with a fantastic shopping experience, they frequently remember it. Online retailers prosper by putting their consumers first, whether providing free gifts or a flexible refund policy. This is a part of the creative marketing techniques today to increase sales.

Ensure clients know that your business is committed to giving them a remarkable shopping experience if you’re hoping to grow sales.

That calls on company owners and businessmen of all stripes to think about how they may go above and beyond by giving people presents they had no idea they wanted.

Utilize creative gifts to increase traffic and buzz

A giveaway is an ideal way to attract attention to your business, drive traffic, and gather many targeted subscribers you can promote to and win over as clients.

However, only if you manage the giveaway correctly. Apple products and other expensive things sometimes bring large crowds, yet many people in your audience could already be using the newest technology. Or they may be an ardent supporter of a rival and not be drawn in by a brand-new iPad.

Implement exit-intent popups

Make sure consumers receive offers before they leave your website. Show a popup with product-specific advertising, a giveaway, or a call to join up for an email subscription just as a user is ready to leave. According to studies, an exit-intent popup can help you retain 10–15% of your website visitors.

Make your top menu conversion-friendly

One of the most important aspects of your website is the main menu. Customers utilize it at every point of the customer experience, from when they first begin shopping to when they are prepared to check out.

Run a/b testing on the most popular tabs and then show them first to improve the menu using a tool. Your conversion rate will substantially increase.

Make sure that it loads in less than 3 seconds

Website slowness ruins sales. A reason to click back is unnecessary for new website visitors, particularly those unfamiliar with your business.

Any delay greater than 3 seconds will significantly affect income, as a delay of 1 second might result in a 7% reduction in conversions. You might increase conversions by 21% if you reduce the time it requires for your website to load to under 3 seconds.

Drive recurring business with customized, sincere loyalty programs that pay attention to user behavior.

Most loyalty programs require users to make at least 8–10 transactions before qualifying for a gift (or discount). Nothing is harder than purchasing 10 items before receiving one for free; most consumers won’t even bother!

Add a live chat feature to increase the trust

Live chat customers also have a far better conversion rate than typical visitors. It was discovered that live chat users convert at a rate of almost 8 times that of non-chat users!

Including live chat features on your PayPal gateway website helps increase sales by interacting with visitors and answering any queries or worries they may have. Consumers’ trust in your website may increase because they can ask questions and receive real-time assistance with what they’re buying.

Look for your influencers.

Influencers are those who consumers turn to for the newest trends, views, guidance, and knowledge in just about every field. You may need to figure out a method to collaborate with these influencers to expand the reach of your business quickly.

At least 74% of customers rely on word of mouth to influence their purchasing decisions; it’s like attaching a rocket to a word-of-mouth initiative, which is worth the cost. Although influencer marketing has become quite popular in the fashion and clothing industries, other internet businesses may still use influencers to their advantage.

Upsell and cross-sell

You may raise the value of your order by showcasing complimentary deals on the product page, cart page, and throughout the checkout process. You can showcase accessories, updates, or related or comparable goods. The things your customer most recently bought can also be shown, just like Amazon does on its main website.

Explore dynamic material

Personalize your website to make it easier for visitors to connect with your business. For every visitor, this entails dynamically altering the content of your home page based on their location, interests, and previously explored items.


Getting as much attention as possible when starting your e-commerce company is crucial for long-term success and profits. Use all the resources and tools at your disposal that will help you win over and keep consumers.

Starting your firm right involves implementing some of these e-commerce growth hacking strategies. You may try to expand your e-commerce firm and build a strong presence in the online market by utilizing these strategies. Although e-commerce growth hacking tactics may continue to change over time, you need to stay current with these trends to continually enhance your methods. You can contact PayTabs to integrate PayPal gateway into your website to ensure a seamless payment transaction.

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