Business TECH

How to delight customers in practice?

Now that you understand how important this concept is to assist in the development of business improvements, see how to adapt these theoretical concepts to your reality.

1. Make rice with beans

The first step to delight customers is to do the basics well , the famous rice and beans. Through simple and competent work, you can exceed consumer expectations and only then think about improving various aspects of your business.

The truth is that most companies still need to improve basic issues such as management, service, meeting deadlines and other points that comprise the minimum necessary. By taking good care of these simple aspects, you are already above the national average, without a doubt.

Afterwards, you can think about customer loyalty strategies , understand what your audience’s pains, desires, fears and objections are. Your decisions should be based on these elements to ensure that your customers’ needs are met by your products and services.

2. Deliver value

In order to delight customers, you need to generate value for the individual who has placed their trust in your offer. This means offering solutions to these consumers’ problems in a way that they really see how valuable your service or product is, making the price not an objection.

Often, when the customer thinks something is expensive, it’s because they don’t see value in what’s being sold. So, in order for the public to be delighted with your products and the quality of your service, you need to contribute to your customers’ success.

Thus, they start to value your business even more, becoming brand promoters , which reduces your costs and increases your consumer portfolio.

3. Exceed expectations

Once you’ve already secured the basics well done and keep in mind that you need to deliver value to your customers, exceed your audience’s expectations. Deliver beyond what is agreed and make exclusive offers, that is, show options that consumers cannot find in your competitors.

For this, you need to have market knowledge, know what other companies in this sector are doing and how you can stand out. Analyze the gaps in your niche and try to supply amazing products and services in order to exceed customer expectations.

4. Focus on the purchase journey

The customer’s purchase journey should be one of your main strategic focuses to ensure enchantment. You need to consider:

  • the service channels used by the consumer;
  • what steps he goes through before buying;
  • what are the main doubts he has along the journey;
  • what are the customer’s needs in each phase of the relationship with your business.

Ensure the best possible experience at each of these points and don’t forget to answer any questions your customer may have, with the aim of reducing purchase friction. This will certainly improve the quality of the service offered and, consequently, the perception of value that the customer has regarding your business.

Delighting consumers goes beyond just making a good impression. You need to make a positive impact on their lives and solve problems by connecting your brand with your customers.

5. Create an after-sales strategy

The process of delighting customers does not end when a purchase is completed. You also need to ensure an excellent after-sales experience in order to keep customer satisfaction at the top.

Keep in touch with your customers after their purchase, asking if the product met their expectations and what else you can do to help them. In addition, it is interesting to maintain a long-term relationship with them in order to understand how your business can contribute to other needs that they may have in the future.

6. Strengthen the relationship

One of the best ways to delight customers is to strengthen the relationship with them and bet on loyalty strategies. But how to do it? With first-class service, low waiting time, high rate of clarifications and problem resolution.

Never leave a customer unanswered and always try to allow the follow-up of the consumer’s request so that he can have perspectives on when his problem will be solved and what the current status of the call is.

In addition, in order to strengthen the relationship, it is necessary to go after information about customers, expanding their knowledge about who they are, what they need and what moment in life they are facing. This way , you can improve your solutions and increasingly customize your service for a loyal audience .

7. Structure the company

Excellence in the services offered to its customers comes from within the business. Therefore, if your goal is to delight consumers, it is essential to structure your business from end to end. This practice involves strengthening, in particular, three pillars: processes, people and technology solutions.

Your business must have operations organized and controlled by well-defined metrics and goals. In addition, the team needs to be constantly trained to face the company’s new challenges and meet customer demand, especially at a time of business escalation.

8. Use technology

Another important point is to adopt technological tools to support the processes and facilitate the team’s work. Today, there are several team management and customer service solutions that automate manual tasks, streamlining operations in your business, in addition to increasing the productivity of professionals.

Given this context, analyze the available possibilities and define which technologies you need to adopt with the intention of optimizing the workflow in the business .

All this actively contributes to a better performance in its activities with customers and, consequently, to an excellent quality service that will delight them.

9. Have a good service

Customer service could not be left out of our list. For more than 80% of consumers, this is a determining factor in their purchase decision . Therefore, be sure to train your team, advise on good practices and, above all, have empathy with your audience.

The ability to put yourself in the customer’s shoes is essential in order to develop products with more quality, really understand their pain points and be able to present innovative solutions in this market.

10. Diversify payment options

By implementing improvements in payment systems, you bring more intelligence, security and practicality to the company and consumers. Therefore, implementing various payment possibilities directly contributes to the public’s comfort .

Cash and installment payment options are the most basic, but it is possible to extend this list with the intention of incorporating Pix , QR Code , transfers, among others. Thus, the customer can use the payment method that is most convenient in their financial planning, ensuring that the purchase process is even simpler.

11. Train your team

Having trained employees is essential for the success of the business, in addition to ensuring a good shopping journey for customers, maximizing their satisfaction and increasing the degree of loyalty in your business.

With the intention of offering adequate training to your team, it is important to understand the needs of each individual, as well as training that makes sense for the entire business .

Through investments in training, it is possible to make your team more motivated, which will reflect on customer service. Furthermore, with the necessary skills, everyone involved in support will know how to solve problems that arise.

12. Know your customer

Another important step to delight consumers is to get to know them. For example, by knowing who your customers are, it’s simpler to offer promotions and offers that suit their profile.

Likewise, this type of understanding makes it easier to relate to the public and offer content that adds value to their journey. Therefore, it is worth investing in ways to increase your information about who buys from you.

In this sense, there are several tips that can help. For example, having a good database is a great step towards raising your level of information . Another option is to draw a persona for the business. However, it is worth paying attention to the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD) so as not to have problems.

13. Offer a good experience

A good purchase journey can help exceed consumer expectations and, consequently, increase the degree of enchantment with your business. Therefore, it is valid to invest in good actions that help in this step.

For example, before potential customers start buying from you, you can invest in content marketing and thus start adding value to the journey. Also, resolve issues quickly, offer after-sales and support, and deliver what you promised.

As we said in the first tip, making rice and beans is one of the ways to delight customers. Based on these actions, you can offer a good consumer experience and ensure loyalty in your business.

14. Personalize the service

That service makes a difference to keep consumers buying from your business, you already know. Now, it is also important to offer personalized support that meets the needs of each customer .

In this sense, software that helps you understand the consumption pattern are great allies, which will help you make relevant offers to each individual. Remembering that the service must be humanized and always be ready to provide the help that the person needs.

15. Solve problems quickly

Have you ever arrived at a store where you bought something that was damaged and, when you asked for help to solve this adversity, you had to wait a long time? This ends up irritating and making them, at other times, rethink whether it is worth doing another negotiation with the business.

Therefore, in simple issues that are easy to resolve, be agile. For this, employees need to be ready and know how to act in situations like the one described. Thus, your customer leaves satisfied and, if necessary, tends to buy from your business again.


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  1. Therefore, in simple issues that are easy to resolve, be agile. For this, employees need to be ready and know how to act in situations like the one described. Thus, your customer leaves satisfied and, if necessary, tends to buy from your business again.

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